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Planning committees meetings and reports

Find out about planning committee meetings, see agendas and find out how to watch or speak at a committee meeting.

Deferred applications and defamation

The committee might sometimes decide to put-off making a decision. This is known as ‘deferring the application’. They may do this if they need more information to make a decision. 

Relevant parties will be informed when the application has been rescheduled for a future date. 

If an application is deferred and there has already been public speaking at a meeting, the previous speakers who addressed the original committee meeting will be given priority to speak at the subsequent meeting, before any speaking slots (if available) are offered to new speakers. 


The laws of libel and slander are very strict. If you say something about a person in public which is not true, even if you believe it to be true, you may be sued and have to pay compensation.  

You are strongly advised to avoid making such comments.  

Published: 16 December 2020

Last updated: 29 August 2023