Current status
Project status
Initial planning
Deciding the scope of the works.
Project status
Project design and approval
Finalising the project specification, budget and programme.
Project status
Project status
End of works and the defects process.
Project details
Click on the block below for a summary of the planned works.
Work Element | Description of Works |
Work Element
Condition Survey |
Description of Works
Work at height will be required to complete roof works to block and part external brickwork/pointing repairs to coping stones. The PC is to ensure that all work at height activities are risk assessed and that the proposed method of access to facilitate the works is detailed in the CPP and fully costed in the PEP. Should there be any reason that specific access arrangements cannot be fully evaluated and costed for then the Service Provider should identify these together with a defined Provisional allowance within their PEP for each specific item/ area. Access may also be required into the residents’ properties to undertake a number of the works elements described. |
Work Element
Maintaining the Existing Building Services |
Description of Works
Maintain the building services systems during the duration of the contract. Where services may not be functioning or operational for a period of time prior notice and resident notification shall take place |
Work Element
Asbestos Management |
Description of Works
All live asbestos information can be found on the Westminster City Council asbestos portal, Shine. The PD/PC is required to inform the client regarding the need to instruct any further R&D surveys as the design develops and the areas where intrusive works will be required are confirmed. The R&D survey will be instructed by the client through the asbestos management system and provided to the PD/PC as part of the PCI, to allow the CPP to be developed. The Service Providers Project Execution Plan needs to identify any further works, with estimated costs, for completing removal or encapsulation of ACMs to enable The Works. The SP is to ensure that any subcontractor undertaking asbestos removal works as part of The Works, fulfils the client’s requirements outlined in the WCC process and procedure documents and are deemed competent to undertake the red works. |
Work Element
Other Potentially Hazardous Circumstances |
Description of Works
Where held the Client has provided relevant information regarding the existing structure(s) and materials in the IPCI. The PD/PC is to inform the client if during the design stage, it becomes evident that there is the potential for other deleterious materials or hazards to be present and further inspection or testing is required. Other materials that may be present or that need considering include but are not limited to: • Lead Paint • HAC • Horse hair plaster • Clay pot floors • Calcium silicate brickwork • RAAC planks • Tesserae • Vermiculite Other hazards that may be present: • Fragile roof materials • Unprotected roof lights • Unprotected flat roofs • Unprotected fall risks (shafts/ sumps) • Confined spaces • Insufficient safe access provision to plant and equipment • Noise protection zones • Open water |
Work Element
H&S File & O&M Manual |
Description of Works
These buildings do not currently have a H&S file. Create/provide a new Health and Safety File and Operating & Maintenance manuals for the building and also for all systems associated with The Works. The file shall be in accordance with and as detailed within the Term Partnering Contract. This is to include but is not limited to; • A detailed future Planned Preventative Maintenance (PPM) programme/ regime associated with The Works; • As-built drawings, specifications, schematics, schedules etc. • Manufacturers details, guarantees and warranties (as applicable) • Details of risks and hazardous materials not eliminated through design • Site Investigation Reports • Statutory authority consents and approvals |
Work Element
Pitched Roofs |
Description of Works
Essential repairs and maintenance work to the roof coverings and associated components are to be identified via Condition Survey arranged by the Service Provider and attended by WCC, who will agree the scope of works or that mentioned in appendices. The roof coverings are believed to be generally in a good condition and so it is anticipated that these works are likely only to include: • Replacement of damaged and/or missing components including (but not limited to) roof tiles, ridge/ hip tiles, SVP’s, SVP cowls/ guards, MEP service penetration sleeves, box gutter outlets; • Repairs/ replacement of breathable felt membranes; • Repairs/ replacement of damaged roof timber components (structural and non-structural); • Repairs to box gutter coverings; • Repairs/ replacement to any damaged or missing flashings, soakers and the like, including repointing of same where necessary; • Clean all roof coverings using proprietary techniques including removal of all algae, moss and the like; New overflow ‘warning’ pipe to be installed above the entrance area and at other areas around each block adjacent to gullies and through parapet – this is to act as a visual indicator when gulley is blocked and should be installed in a busy area such as adjacent to the entrance • Service Provider is to note that damage may have occurred to the roof structure and coverings because of previous leaks. The Service Provider is to establish the extent of any such damage and provide proposals for remediation. The PEP is to provide proposals for establishing same, together with estimated costs, and must also identify the procedures to be adopted during Pre-commencement stage to finalise costed proposals. • Planned Maintenance team will be instructed to form a new programme of regular maintenance to clear out leaves from valley & box gutters - Asset team to monitor following agreement. • More extensive works to roof to be undertaken in circa 10-12 year cycle – Asset strategy will programme • Leaf Guards to be installed at all box gutters, outlets |
Published: 16 October 2024
Last updated: 14 February 2025