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Huguenot House

Current status

Project status 1
Initial planning

Deciding the scope of works

Project status 2
Project design and approval

Finalising the project specification, budget and programme

Project status 3
Work starts: TBC
Work ends: TBC
Project status 4

End of works and the defects period

Project update

United Living has been undertaking structural surveys ahead of the maintenance works programme starting on site in mid February.  Once onsite, the contractor (United Living) is responsible for all aspects of work, from delivery, quality and communication with residents. Any issues or queries about the work, should be referred to the contractor (United Living) in the first instance.

United Living will send residents a monthly newsletter to keep residents up to date on the work and they will also hold a monthly coffee morning for residents to attend to discuss any queries or concerns.

The United Living site-based Management Team includes:

Site Manager: Harry

Mobile Number: 07392 094 301

Resident Liaison Officer: Abdul

Mobile Number: 07817 163 522

The main point of contact will be Abdul, Resident Liaison Officer, who you can contact any queries relating to the construction works.

Harry and Abdul will both be based in the site office initially located at Vale Royal, 36 Newport Court, WC2H 7PZ until the new site office is set up below the podium roof on Orange Street. 

You can also contact United Living on 01322 612 320 or at [email protected]

For more information, please see the service charge booklet.

Published: 25 January 2024

Last updated: 9 September 2024