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Irving House Major Works (project Z105)

Current status

Project status 1
Initial planning

Deciding the scope of the works.

Project status 2
Project design and approval

Finalising the project specification, budget and programme. 

Project status 3
Work starts: TBC
Work ends: TBC
Project status 4

End of works and the defects process.

Project details

Click on the block below for details of the project.


Work Element Description of Works
Access Required The Service Provider will need to acquaint themselves with the access arrangements available and provide an estate-specific proposal to facilitate the works and any inspections necessary by the Client or their representatives. The Service Provider is to provide a ‘site-access requirements appraisal’ within their Project Execution Plan (PEP), including estimated costs for each option considered. The Service Providers PEP is to identify the procedures to be adopted during the Pre-commencement stage to provide a best value access solution. The contractor is to factor into the design all rear courtyard, ground, building and communal obstructions such as retail and restaurant area restrictions, uneven floor levels, boundary and retaining walls, railings, steps, ramps and other small structures. Contractor to obtain all necessary licences in connection with the works including those relating to the scaffold from Westminster City Council prior to commencement of construction works and to allow time for this in the programme.
Asbestos Management Comply with all statutory and regulatory requirements with respect to Asbestos. Existing Asbestos registers have been provided as part of the Client Brief package of information where they exist. The Service Providers Project Execution Plan needs to identify any further works, with estimated costs, for assessing the information available and then for completing all necessary surveys/ works to identify and manage/ remove Asbestos hazards associated with the works.
General Works Allow for removing any signs, fixtures and fittings to facilitate the works, set aside and store as required and allow for re-fixing any appropriate fixtures, fittings, signage etc. previously attached to the building on completion of the works. Remove and cart from site existing postal trays located at the ground floor entrance area. Supply and install Vertical Wall Mounted type communal letterbox, complete with 8no. Letterboxes and keys and locks. New letterboxes to be installed in location of existing postal trays. 3no. Keys to be provided with each postal box. Colour to be confirmed by Contract Administrator. Allow a defined provisional sum in connection with the treatment of possible dry/wet rot to the hallway and basement, following damp proofing works. Make safe area of works on 3rd floor following removal of partition until new balustrade is installed (if required).
Basement Waterproofing Works There are areas in the basement suffering from water penetration from both underground water pipes and from external storm water penetrating through the vault/street level light well. Track and trace leaking pipes - repair where required. Reinforced glass Light well at street level is cracked and broken and reinforced glass sections require replacement and re-sealing to ensure water tightness. Tank affected wall areas require with a 'Sika' or equivalent waterproof render system and the areas redecorated.
Drainage Works CCTV drainage survey required with which an agreement will be made between contractor and WCC establishing the extent of associated works required.  Allow a defined provisional sum of £1,000.00 in connection with additional works to the above ground drainage system.  Supply and fix new double sealed bolt down heavy duty metal inspection cover and frame approximately 650 by 400 serving the underground drainage located in the basement under the front entrance.
Roofing Works Please allow roof design to factor in potential future use as a roof deck/garden. General Roofing Works Renew roof coverings complete including upstands, lead flashings, outlets, grilles etc.
Glazed ‘Lantern’ Roof Housing Supply and fit new glazed housing “Lantern” at roof level, ensure upstands are raised to a minimum of 150mm. If a lightning protection system exists on the roof, provision should be made to incorporate the new rooflight into the system in accordance with BS EN 62305. Residents to be consulted on the final design.
External Repair Work Carry out mortar analysis to brickwork to ascertain mortar required to complete brickwork repairs in a mortar mix to match existing in locations agreed by the CA. Masonry cleaning is to be undertaken prior to external redecoration and re-rendering works but following external fabric repair and preparation work to avoid damaging completed works. Cleaning is to be undertaken in accordance with BS 8221.  Clean down all surfaces including windows, doors and frames etc., including glass and frames on completion  Provide a plan for potential phasing of pointing and external repairs work and align against scaffold access requirements and proposal.  Clean existing composite stonework surround to main front entrance door.  Clean and polish all brassware and ironmongery to main front entrance door using mild acidic cleaning agents.
Communal Windows and Doors Include for full inspection, survey and report on leaseholders' individual windows and prepare full schedule of work required. Report back and agree replacements before carrying out work. Where windows are beyond economical repair, replace to match with Accoya (or similar approved) timber windows  Overhaul all timber windows, serving the residents’ flats including easing and adjusting, lubricating sash pulleys, hinges and stays etc. Prepare a schedule of defects and forward to the CA for instruction.  Provisionally allow for renewing sash cords, rebalancing weights, fitting new staffing beads, machining sashes as necessary and MG.  Install new draught proofing strips to the existing windows serving the six flats.Carry out splice/ resin repairs to timber windows where appropriate.  Allow for moving residents' furniture, blinds, curtains and/or nets, pot plants, other effects and belongings for the safe execution of the works. Some of the windows have secondary glazing units fitted and the contractor will be required to remove these units in order to allow for the works to be undertaken. Record and list all items. Re-instate all on completion. Overhaul Communal entrance door, including rub down, resin repair and repaint to match existing. To all previously painted external timber / stained surfaces; the Contractor is to thoroughly prepare and decorate all timber surfaces. To timber surfaces, including cladding, soffit and fascia boards, communal entrance doors, windows, louvres, frames, cills, thresholds, frames and the like.
Communal Basement Doors Strip out single leaf communal service door (leading to basement) and frame and cart from site. Supply and install new FD30S softwood solid core panelled door complete with frame, cill and stops to match existing profile and style. The door and frame are to be certified to BS 476. Replace lock to match existing.
Joinery Supply and fit new 250mm high OGEE skirting board to the communal hall way to match the existing height and profile. S&F new dado rail 100 by 35mm to match the existing height and profile. Cut in new section of balustrade following removal of partition on 3rd floor to match existing height, profile and design where possible. Build new section of staircase to match on 3rd floor following removal of partition if the existing is not encased within partition (to be demolished).
Internal Decorations Strip all existing surface communal area coverings to walls including wallpaper. Thoroughly prepare all surfaces including face filling in a texture and colour to be agree with residents and WCC, then prime and paint/varnish/stain all previous existing and new usually decorated surfaces with coatings. Allow for preparation and decoration to walls and ceilings to all previously decorated enclosed lobby and communal staircase area, and the like are to be prepared and receive a high performance ‘class 0’ fire paint system in accordance with BS476 and BS9991. All communal walls, ceilings and soffits are to be decorated in a 'class 0' system, including walls, ceilings and soffits, which form fire escape routes. Colour to be agreed with Residents and WCC. Prepare and decorate existing decorative plaster period cornices and decorative plasterwork using white water based emulsion paint in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions. Take down defective section of plaster cornice and renew to match the existing profile.
Metalwork Prepare all previously painted railings by brushing and scraping off unsound and flaking decorations and detritus using a steel brush. Treat the railings with sterilising solution then rinse off after leaving for 24 hours. Rub down and prepare Key, clean away grease and grime and redecorate all railings.
Plaster Work Carry out hammer test and provide report on defective areas of plaster. Hack off defective plaster areas and re-plaster using light weight plaster and finish with 2 coats 5mm skim coat. Allow to fix EML to uneven, fractured or low keyed surfaces prior to plastering, finishing the EML 200mm over the adjoining sound surfaces. Include for edge beading, stop beading and trims as necessary to finish render in in a style matching the existing surrounding. Demolish partition on 3rd floor and make good area, take care to test to see if balustrade is currently encased within the partition before demolition takes place. Retain current balustrade where possible.
Communal Flooring Carefully remove all existing carpet throughout the communal areas, including all adhesives, fixtures, threshold strips and stair nosing’s. Fully clean the underlying decorative mosaic floor tiling, ensuring any chemicals used are not destructive or harmful to the tiling. Take up, fully clean and re-bed detached areas of the tiling using a trade strength adhesive and grouting to match the existing adjoining tiling. Contractor to include for cleaning floor base and finishing re-bedded tiling flush with surrounding levels. Re-grout the mosaic tiling using a grout and profile to match the existing adjoining tiling. Once all decorative mosaic tiling has been restored, seal using restoration sealant to protect the tiling as recommended by tiling restoration specialist. Following removal of existing, supply and fit new inset entrance barrier matting to front entrance area. Pull back carpeted staircase to original under layer, clean off adhesive and prepare surface. Fit appropriate covering following consultation with WCC/Residents.
Access Hatches/ Door(s) Survey/ review all current access doors/ hatch provisions, including any ladder access requirements. Optimised access solutions for the roof to replace the existing lantern design are to be proposed by the Service Provider giving due consideration to the size, positioning and specification of any new access doors/ hatches/ ladders required in order to facilitate future access requirements for roof maintenance/ replacement in a safe and efficient manner. Recommendations and proposals, with estimated costs, are to be provided by the Service Provider within their Project Execution Plan.
Electrical Power Survey/ review existing electrical power supply installations associated with The Works and where necessary replace existing/ install new systems in compliance with current regulatory requirements. Allow for investigating and removing all redundant cables, signs and fixtures from site making good as required. Provide a complete system of earthing and supplementary bonding installation to all items associated with the works to meet the current edition of the IEE wiring regulations. Provide Electrical Installation Condition Report (EICR) and all appropriate certification associated with The Works undertaken. Replace existing containment systems for both power and lighting wiring. The Service Provider to provide optimised solutions to conceal wherever possible the existing and new cabling by giving due consideration to decoration, positioning and specification of any new route including the fire stopping/building work required. The service provider to consider ease of access for future additional cabling and maintenance/ replacement in a safe and efficient manner.
Electrical Lighting Replace all existing communal lighting with wall mounted High output LED luminaire with micro polymer diffuser in acrylic or polycarbonate. Two part body with thermal management to allow integral self-contained emergency option – as Whitecroft Lighting CONVOR or equivalent. The Lighting installation is to include emergency lighting provisions in accordance with BS 5266 Emergency Lighting requirements. Provide Electrical Installation Condition Report (EICR) and all appropriate certification associated with The Works undertaken.
Door Entry System Decommission and remove existing door entry system. Provide new containment which shall be metal powder coated. Installed in line with BS EN 50085-1:2005 and shall be suitably earthed. Note – containment to be sized as such that all existing cabling can be relocated from old plastic conduit and mounted within new powder coated containment. Fit new KMS door entry system to communal flats in line with WCC standard.
Associated Fire Risk Assessment Works Carry out all fire stopping associated with the works. All fire stopping works must be undertaken by an accredited party of an appropriate ‘industry-recognised’ body. Review all FRA’s and investigate/ establish Fire Strategies for the properties in relation to the areas affected by the works. Identify all works deemed necessary and associated with the works to ensure all Fire Strategy requirements are complied with. Provide recommendations, with estimated costs, for the execution of these works. Report findings with respect to recommendations to WCC for any further works that may be deemed appropriate in regard to Fire Protection matters for WCC consideration and further direction/ instruction. Ensure The Works are fully compliant with current Fire Regulatory requirements and Building Regulations. Allow to seal all service and protrusion holes and voids between all communal area floors and walls, including the basement, to provide fire compartmentation. All penetrations to be sealed using proprietary Certifire or equal approved products such as fire batt and intumescent mastic. Replace all flat entrance doors and communal doors with FD30s rated doorsets (subject to leaseholder acceptance).
Fire Risk Assessment Works Fire Stopping: Landlord areas/riser and service rooms and basement. All fire stopping to be undertaken by an accredited party of an appropriate ‘industry-recognised’ body. A full and detailed report (to include photographs and certificates) should be provided to The Client on completion of these works. Fire Signage: New directional and FAN signage in communal area. Plastic trunking removed entirely – contractor to create a plan to hide the cable routing wherever possible, i.e. consider new decorative coping to hide routes. Note – All items above to be cross-checked against the fire risk assessment appendix – final proposals to be submitted to Client for agreement. Provide and fit (including removal of existing system) fire detection to protect the escape route. System should be a Grade A LD2 fire alarm system in line with the recommendations of LACoRS and designed to meet the standard set out in BS5839: part 6 2013.
Fire Doors The service provider is to carry out fire doorset works as set out in the fire door schedule of works located within Appendix 3 (Replacement doorsets to Leasehold properties should be subject to written acceptance prior to manufacture). All fire doorsets installations are to be undertaken by an accredited third party installation company of an appropriate ‘industry-recognised’ body in accordance with the manufacturer’s instruction, industry recognised best practice and BS 8214. Gaps between the frame and aperture should be adequately filled with intumescent materials suitable for the task. A full report should be provided on completion of the works, to include photos of the installation process to each property. Note - Front entrance and communal doors to be replaced with purpose made pre-assembled FD30s rated doorsets independently tested and approved by a third-party assessment authority to BS476 providing a minimum 30-minute fire and smoke resistance with full and current certification.
Other Potentially Hazardous Circumstances In addition to Asbestos management (as noted above), there may be other potentially hazardous circumstances that the Service Provider will need to address. During our initial scoping exercise, no other hazards were identified. However, other hazards may be present and may include but are not limited to:  Dust  Ventilation of Solvents and Fumes  Noise  Other Hazardous Substances Undertake all surveys as necessary with approval from WCC to establish the existence of all potentially hazardous materials, substances and/ or environmental conditions. Procure and execute all works necessary to clear away any such hazards to the extent necessary in order to facilitate future surveys and execution of the works. Provide recommendations for any additional measures that may be deemed necessary to prevent re-contamination.
Operation and Maintenance Manuals Provide Health and Safety File and Operating and Maintenance manuals for all systems associated with the works, in accordance with the Term Partnering Contract. This is to include but is not limited to; A detailed future Planned Preventative Maintenance (PPM) programme/ regime associated with the works;  Future Replacement and maintenance Strategies, with estimated costs, for each property for further review/ consideration/ instruction as appropriate, by WCC;  As-built drawings, specifications, schematics, schedules etc. Manufacturers details and warranties (as applicable)  Details of risks and hazardous materials not eliminated through design  Site Investigation Reports Any guarantees and warrantees for the worksStatutory authority consents and approvals

Published: 17 February 2021

Last updated: 13 May 2024