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Martlett Court Major Works (project T154)

Current status

Project status 1
Initial planning

Deciding the scope of the works. 

Project status 2
Detailed design and approval

Finalising the project specification, budget and programme.

Project status 3
Work starts: 01/10/2024
Work ends: TBC
Project status 4

End of works and the defects period. 

Project outline

We are planning a project of major works at Martlett Court.

The outline scope of work includes:

•    roof repairs
•    external repairs and decorations
•    structural repairs
•    window replacement 
•    environmental works
•    fire safety works
•    replacement of tenants’ flat entrance doors with leaseholder opt-in
•    internal repairs and decorations
•    replacement of communal lighting
•    replacement of lateral mains
•    new door entry system
•    water services
•    estate works
•    repair or renewal of soil stack pipes, where necessary

Published: 17 March 2021

Last updated: 10 September 2024