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Code of Construction Practice

Westminster's Code of Construction Practice (CoCP) applies to all basement and major development sites throughout Westminster

Public Consultation and the revised 2022 Code

In 2021 the Council consulted on a revised version of the Code of Construction Practice (CoCP).

To build a cleaner and greener city we are launching a range of ambitious new policies that work together to improve air quality and deliver on our climate emergency target for the council to be carbon neutral by 2030, with the whole city to follow suit by 2040.

The Code of Construction Practice (CoCP) sets ambitious new standards for developers to meet to manage the environmental impact of construction works. The CoCP works alongside:

  • the City Plan which sets out strategic policies for land use and new development
  • the Environment Supplementary Planning Document which provides further detailed guidance on the environment policies in the City Plan
  • the freight, servicing and delivery strategy and action plan which sets our partnership approach to re-timing, re-moding and reducing deliveries across the city
  • the Air Quality Action Plan which details the actions we are taking to improve air quality across the city 

The guidance in the Code ensures that detrimental impact of construction is minimised. It is also cross cutting guidance for our planning, highways and pollution services. It is part of our commitment to creating a cleaner, greener City for All, including carbon reduction, climate resilience, city greening  and reducing air pollutants.

Result of the 2021 consultation

You can find out more about the results of the 2021 public consultation on our revised Code of Construction Practice by reading the consultation report.

The revised 2022 Code of Construction Practice

The revised CoCP launched on 1 February 2022. All guidance documents, appendices and templates on this website have now been changed to reflect the changes we have made to the Code of Construction Practice document and process.

All existing projects must comply with the principles of the revised code by 1 April 2022 although there is no formal requirement to amend the SEMP or CMP.

More information

For more information or queries please contact sends email).

Published: 24 June 2021

Last updated: 24 January 2023