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Code of Construction Practice

Westminster's Code of Construction Practice (CoCP) applies to all basement and major development sites throughout Westminster

CoPA Section 61 prior consent

Apply for prior consent, noise from construction sites

The Control of Pollution Act 1974 (CoPA) gives the Council powers to control noise and vibration from construction sites and other works. Section 61 allows contractors to apply for Prior Consent and agree working hours, site noise levels and other measures prior to work starting. Where Section 61 prior consent has not been agreed, Section 60 allows the Council to serve a notice of its requirements for the control of site noise at any point during the works.

In all cases the notice can:

  • specify the plant or machinery that is or is not to be used
  • specify the hours during which the construction work can be carried out
  • specify the level of noise and vibration that can be emitted from the site during specified hours
  • allow for any change of circumstances

When to apply

Please complete a CoPA Section 61 application form at least 28 days before works start if you plan to carry out noisy construction works outside of normal working hours. This will allow us to consider whether works are acceptable or not with respect to protecting any nearby residents or other noise sensitive stakeholders who could be impacted by noise and vibration. 

Normal working hours are:

  • Monday to Friday, 8am to 6pm
  • Saturday, 8am to 1pm

Sundays and bank holidays are considered outside normal working hours.

Requirements for CoCP Sites

All CoCP Level 1 and 2 Sites must apply for Section 61 Consent at least 28 days before work commences.

CoCP sites must also submit a risk assessment using the London Good Practice Guide: Noise & Vibration Control for Demolition and Construction assessment(link is external) (London Authorities Noise Action Forum - LANAF).

Applicants are encouraged to make a draft application where possible up to 3 months before work starts.

How to apply

Please fill out the the Section 61 prior consent form:

and submit the application to: sends email)

We will consider applications within 28 days of receipt in accordance with the Act.

For Street works planned for 3 days or less please use the Out of Hours (OOH) Working approval process

Variations and Dispensations

To extend an existing Section 61 consent please use the variation form.

  • This should be submitted 2 to 7 days before the work begins.

This form should be used for rescheduling critical activities or adding new tasks that do not have an impact on noise levels. Affected residents or noise-sensitive property occupiers must be informed promptly about the changes and, if necessary, the duration of the works.

To apply for a short term change to working hours or activities please use the dispensation form.

  • This should be submitted at least 14 days in advance.

If the proposed works need to be changed from the original program and require operations outside the terms of the consent, please submit a Dispensation form to the case officer. If the working methods and mitigation are acceptable, a Dispensation will be issued, potentially with specific conditions and time limits.  

The applicant must inform nearby residential or noise-sensitive properties about the changes and the duration of works.

For critical work beyond the applicant’s control, the application should be submitted at least 48 hours in advance, or 7 days if the work lasts 5 days or more.


Section 60 - basements

Basement developments which fall under Westminster’s CoCP are not generally required to make an application under Section 61.

However, from 2 January 2018 the council serves Section 60 Notices on all CoCP basement developments. These notices reflect the standard CoCP requirements, for example in normal working hours. Any additional conditions will always be discussed with the principal contractor. 

Published: 18 January 2021

Last updated: 8 January 2025