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City Plan 2019-2040 Partial Review Examination

This page provides all the details about the City Plan Partial Review Examination

What is the City Plan 2019-2040?

Our City Plan provides our vision and framework for how long-term housing, commercial and infrastructure growth will be delivered in Westminster. The policies within the plan cover a range of topics, including housing, sustainability, heritage, transport, the visitor economy and employment.

These policies are used to determine whether new developments, including new housing and commercial floorspace, are suitable to go ahead. The current City Plan was adopted in April 2021, and we are now refocusing our ambitions to build more affordable homes, prioritise the retrofitting of existing buildings, and steer growth on identified sites.

To address these priorities, we have now launched a partial review of our adopted City Plan.

The new and revised policies will together contribute to our vision for making Westminster a fairer and more inclusive city, where residents benefit from the opportunities new developments bring and workers and visitors from all backgrounds feel welcome and safe.

Published: 28 November 2024

Last updated: 28 November 2024