Submission documents – Core submission
Below are all documents submitted to the Secretary of State on Thursday, November 28, 2024. This includes the draft City Plan Partial Review and its statutory supporting documents, all the responses submitted during the Regulation 19 consultation stage, and the Integrated Impact Assessment. The council also submitted the plan’s evidence base and Statements of Common Ground.
Core submission documents
CORE_001 Regulation 19 Draft City Plan Partial Review
PDF, 37.06 MB, 246 pages
CORE_002 Schedule of Proposed Modifications
PDF, 913.64 KB, 61 pages
CORE_003 Regulation 19 Policies Map
PDF, 29.08 MB, 1 page
CORE_004 Schedule of Changes to Policies Map
PDF, 1.74 MB, 10 pages
CORE_005 Submission Policies Map
PDF, 29.12 MB, 1 page
CORE_006 Addendum to the Schedule of Changes to the Policies Map
PDF, 305.67 KB, 5 pages
CORE_007 Regulation 19 Integrated Impact Assessment
PDF, 3.42 MB, 104 pages
CORE_009 Regulation 19 Integrated Impact Assessment Appendix IX Policy Appraisals
PDF, 1.37 MB, 90 pages
CORE_010 Regulation 19 Equalities Impact Assessment
PDF, 1.71 MB, 41 pages
CORE_011 Habitats Regulation Assessment Screening
PDF, 1.15 MB, 21 pages
CORE_012 Statement of Community Involvement
PDF, 905.34 KB, 29 pages
CORE_013 Regulation 19 Consultation Statement (March 2024)
PDF, 2.64 MB, 40 pages
CORE_014 Submission Consultation Statement (November 2024)
PDF, 4.6 MB, 105 pages
CORE_015 Regulation 19 Full Responses
PDF, 16.71 MB, 341 pages
CORE_015a Regulation 19 Full Representations Appendix
PDF, 16.22 MB, 237 pages
CORE_016 Regulation 19 Duty to Cooperate Statement
PDF, 1.48 MB, 26 pages
CORE_017 Submission Duty to Cooperate Statement
PDF, 665.91 KB, 29 pages
CORE_018 Local Development Scheme 2024-2027
PDF, 711.92 KB, 7 pages
CORE_019 Submission Notice Statement
PDF, 371.28 KB, 2 pages
CORE_020 Statement of Conformity with the London Plan
PDF, 251.19 KB, 2 pages
CORE_021 Schedule of Changes to Adopted Policies
PDF, 765.61 KB, 4 pages
CORE_022 Adopted City Plan 2019-2040
PDF, 19.81 MB, 216 pages
CORE_023 Adopted London Plan 2021
PDF, 49.35 MB, 333 pages
CORE_024 Regulation 19 Respondents (for Inspector only)
CORE_025 Planning Obligations and Affordable Housing Supplementary Planning Document (POAH SPD)
PDF, 1.64 MB, 104 pages