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Energy saving advice and support

Advice and support to help make your home more energy-efficient and reduce your energy bills.

Projects in North Paddington

Find out about current projects in the area, as well as schemes and funding opportunities that can help you make an impact.

Get involved with the North Paddington Programme

Find out more about events, the partnership board and other opportunities to shape the future of North Paddington.

Take environmental action as a resident

Find out all the ways you can take action as a resident to help Westminster reach net zero by 2040.

Take environmental action as an organisation

Find out all the ways you can take action as an organisation to help Westminster reach net zero by 2040.

Participate in our climate action work

More information about all the ways you can participate in shaping fair and inclusive climate action policies and projects.

Understanding the climate and ecological emergency

Learn about the causes and impact of the climate and ecological emergency, the action we are taking, and how it relates to you.

Adult social care

Information about council provided adult social care.

Smoke, dust, odour, or light pollution

Find out about how to report an air quality or pollution problem, including the types of issues we can and cannot investigate.

Air quality data

View and analyse air quality data using our online tools.

Cargo bikes

Find out what a cargo bike is and where to find more information about them in Westminster.

Residents, communities and climate action

Information for residents and Westminster communities about how you can take climate action.


Advice on how to prepare for a flood, if your home has been flooded and other actions we are taking.

Business climate action

Information about programmes open to businesses to help reduce your carbon emissions and become more sustainable.

Neighbourhood areas, forums and plans

Find out more about neighbourhood areas, forums and plans and view adopted neighbourhood plans.

Action on air quality

Find out what we’re doing to improve the air quality in Westminster.

Planning and the climate emergency

Advice on improving energy efficiency and sustainability of buildings, and find out what permissions and consents may be required.

Make an application

Find out how to make an application, required fees, and understand more about the process and how we determine your application.

Elections, referendums and how to vote

Find information about recent and upcoming elections and referendums, as well as registering to vote and other ways to vote.

City inspectors

Find out more about the work of the city inspectors

Trading Standards

Find out more about consumer protection legislation and how we work to achieve a fair, safe trading environment.


Find out about the schools offer in Westminster.

Street lighting

Information about our lighting strategy, guidance design, LED upgrades, annual replacement programme and faults.

Armed forces

Promoting local civilian understanding and support for the military and veterans.

Design and heritage

Find out about Westminster's listed buildings, conservation areas and audits, historic parks and world heritage sites.

Noise pollution

Find out how to report a noise problem and about the types of noise we can and cannot investigate.

Parking tickets and enforcements

Information on Marshals, parking on single and double yellow lines, loading and unloading and cameras in Westminster.

Library opening times and contact details

View opening times, contact details, services available and disabled access at each library in Westminster.


Find out about the Prevent counter-terrorism programme.

Parking for residents

Find out how you can renew your resident parking permit, how to get a replacement and where you can park with a permit.


Find out how to pay to park your motorcycle, how much it costs and how to get a resident permit.

Disabled parking

Apply, renew or order a disabled parking badge.

Make a request

Request key fobs, parking spaces, sheds or garages, leaseholder alterations plus many more.

Anti-social behaviour

Information and ways to report anti-social behaviour

Safeguarding children

Protecting children from abuse and neglect, and creating an environment where they feel safe and healthy.

Food safety for businesses

How we regulate food safety in food premises and investigate outbreaks of food poisoning.

Business rates

Non-domestic rates, or business rates, are how occupiers of non-domestic property contribute towards the cost of local services.


Read, learn, connect.


Information for people that live in the City of Westminster.

Your community

Find out about services such as hall hire, community events, parking and Estate Action Plans.

Cemeteries and bereavement

The City of Westminster operates three cemeteries which are situated outside the borough.

City promotions, events and filming

The council operates a specialist unit dedicated to supporting the safe planning and regulation of filming and events.

Temporary structure, crane and road closure licences

Permits for placing portable toilets, scaffolding, fencing, cranes, road closures and other building materials in the road.

Register for social housing

The Housing Solutions Service can help you find housing advice and make applications.

Markets and street trading

Find out how to become a market trader, where trading pitches are available and what is on sale at our markets.

Crime and community safety

From crime prevention and victim support, to planning your route home after a night on the town.


Support your local community by volunteering in Westminster.

Arts and culture

Westminster is a city of culture. Find out about inspiring careers, community, health and happiness.

Data protection

Information about how personal data is processed by the council, and your right of access.

Private sector housing

We promote safe and healthy homes for all private (non-council) residents in Westminster.

Rehousing (Home Connections)

When homes become available, you can bid for them on the Home Connections website.

Housing services for vulnerable people

The council commissions a range of services to help vulnerable people maintain independence and prevent homelessness.

Jobs and volunteering

Find out about council jobs, career help, and volunteering opportunities in our city. We welcome applications from residents.

Major Incidents and Contingency Planning

Find out how the council prepares for emergencies.


Find out about voting, previous election results and the electoral register.


More information about how we spend public money, including our annual accounts, executive pay, and our workforce reports.

Reusing and other recycling services

Reusing and recycling your waste. Find out about additional ways to reuse and recycle.

Recycling and rubbish collections

Find out how and when we collect your recycling and rubbish.

Street cleaning and cleansing

Westminster's streets are regularly swept and washed to maintain a high standard of cleanliness across the city.

Waste strategy and enforcement

The council aims to minimise costs through effective and efficient waste management.

Walking and cycling

Discover how we support walking and cycling in the city.

Roads and highways

Learn about how the council maintains streets in Westminster.

Planning enforcement

Information on planning enforcement, reporting a breach of planning control and short-term letting.

Planning policy

Find out how the City Plan, neighbourhood planning and other planning policy and guidance

Environmental policies, regulations and guidance

Our environmental policies, how we apply regulations, how to report noise complaints and what noise complaints we investigate.

Building control

Make a building control application and find out more about building regulations.

About the council

Learn about local democracy, council transparency, emergency planning and procurement.

Recycling and rubbish

Find out what you can recycle, when your recycling and rubbish is collected and how we work to keep your streets clean and tidy.

Roads and travel

Learn about highway maintenance and what the council is doing to promote walking and cycling.

Planning applications

Search for applications, decisions and archived records, comment on applications, speak at committee and advice on applications.

Planning, building control and environmental regulations

Find out about planning permission, building regulations, street naming and numbering, and making a tree works application.

Parking policy, strategy and initiatives

Learn about parking rules and regulations and how the council is taking measures to reduce congestion and emissions.

Trade parking for businesses

Information about parking for businesses including permits, loading, unloading, suspensions and tickets.


Pay for parking tickets, apply for a parking permit and find out where to park in Westminster.

Licensing policy and strategy

Read about the council's licensing policies, consultations and the relevant acts of Parliament.

Other licence and business permit types

The council is responsible for a number of licensing regimes which cover a large variety of activities, premises and businesses.

Alcohol, entertainment and late night refreshment licences

Permissions to sell or supply alcohol, provide regulated entertainment and late night refreshment.


Apply for a licence, view an existing licence, or comment on an application.

Community halls

Venue information and opening times for community halls in Westminster.

Dogs and animal welfare

Find information on lost and stray dogs, microchipping, the animal warden service, and reporting animal welfare issues.

Leisure, libraries and the community

How to make the most of living in Westminster.

Public health strategy, policies and reports

Discover how we work to improve the wellbeing of our residents, to make the borough a healthier place to live.

Improving and protecting your health

If you want to lead a healthier lifestyle, there’s plenty you can do to improve and protect your health.

Health and social care

Advice and support to help residents be as safe, healthy and independent as possible.

Council Tax

Information about Council Tax banding, exemptions, and how to pay.

School admissions

Find out how to apply for primary and secondary school places.

School attendance

Information for parents, carers and schools about pupil absence.

Children and families

Advice and support for families in Westminster.


Get business support, apply for planning permission, licenses, parking permits and more.

Birth and death certificates, marriages and citizenship

Register a birth or death, arrange a wedding or civil partnership and find information about applying for citizenship.


Find out if you are eligible for Housing Benefit or other support payments.