Our Plan for a Fairer Economy
Last year, we published Westminster’s first Fairer Economy Plan which set out our ambition to create the right economic conditions for sustainable, inclusive growth. Our plan for a Fairer Economy follows our Fairer Westminster strategy in putting a strong, inclusive and green economy at its core.
As part of our commitment to be as open as possible about the work we continue to do, we are publishing an update on the plan. This sets out what we have achieved over the last year as well as what we have planned for the next year and beyond.
The update builds on the intentions that we set out to help businesses start or grow within our city; that the West End continues to be a visitor hub and that low-quality occupiers are replaced with those that provide more diversity and benefits to the area.
Additionally, we set out our desire to improve opportunities for our residents by putting in place targeted initiatives that remove barriers to employment and enhance education-to-employment pathways.
Our objectives are to create:
- Resilient Businesses and High Streets – where small businesses are supported to grow and communities thrive.
- Vibrant West End – providing a world class offer and quality experience to residents, businesses, workers and visitors.
- Employment Opportunities for All – so that residents have the right skills to take advantage of the city’s employment opportunities and can develop fulfilling careers.
Over the last year we have:
- Launched the Sustainable City Charter, with 66 businesses committing to becoming net zero.
- Worked with residents, visitors and workers in the city to develop the Westminster After Dark strategy, to improve the evening and night-time environment.
- Set up the Education Employment, and Skills Board, to bring together employers, training providers and public bodies for the first time.
- Convened the Westminster Anchor Alliance, a group of our largest employers working together to help our residents find good jobs with great employers.
- Launched specialist programmes in targeted sectors such as Digital Dash, and the Green Live Learning Lab.
- Utilised vacant units by launching the “Meanwhile On” programme to install new entrepreneurial brands in and around the West End.
- Made our high streets more attractive by launching our new waste reporting system, “Report-it” which, thanks to the use of artificial intelligence, allows users to report street-based issues in under 60 seconds.
- Facilitated nearly 1,000 job starts through our social value work and through the Westminster Employment Service.
- Injected £27m into the local economy through working with council suppliers and developers.
- Allocated nearly £14m of funding and begun work on our North Paddington and Paddington and Bayswater high streets programmes.
- Produced and delivered the largest ever West End LIVE in Trafalgar Square which featured performances from over 40 West End shows and attracted an audience of 70,000 over the course of the weekend.
What happens next
Our plan for a fairer economy represents a step change – it demonstrates a fresh approach to a complex set of challenges facing the borough today.
We are confident that our plan for delivering a fairer economy is achievable, but we cannot do this alone. Our residents, communities, businesses and wider partners, such as educational institutions, are essential in helping us to realise our ambition for a fair and inclusive economy.
Our ambition for this plan is to start new conversations and open new avenues for collaboration. We are still on our journey towards creating a fairer economy in Westminster and we want to bring our communities and partners with us.
Get involved
Every single one of us has a part to play in creating a Fairer Economy for Westminster. Here are some of the ways you can get involved and make your voice heard: