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Other planning guidance to support policies

These documents contain generic, topic and site-specific guidance that explain how our planning policies will be applied.

Planning briefs

Planning briefs provide detailed planning guidance for the redevelopment of specific sites in Westminster. They explain the matters that will need to be addressed in any application for planning permission, with reference to the policies contained in the development plan for Westminster

Planning briefs:  

  • provide consistent, quality guidance to developers.  
  • interpret and develop detail in respect of the site that is too specific for the  local plan policies.  
  • will not repeat or alter policies in the plan, and if there are any differences of application, these are specifically noted.  
  • In certain circumstances, will discuss alternative land uses that may be appropriate, any restrictions that apply to the site, and any other issues of importance. 
  • improve the planning process, the efficiency of any subsequent planning application, and the quality of the final development at the planning brief site.  

Adopted Planning Briefs  








Historic Planning Briefs  

These planning briefs are out of date, however, still provide useful background reference information for current ongoing projects 





Published: 22 April 2022

Last updated: 13 September 2022