About the council
- Democracy
- Transparency
- Procurement
- Westminster Together
- Complaints
- Corporate complaints policy
- Compliments
- Petitions
- Insurance claims
- Contact us
- Youth Council
- Chief Executive and the Executive Leadership Team
- About the City of Westminster Pension Fund
- Westminster Risk Register
- Resident Research Panel
- Open Forum
- Consultations hub
- Anti-racist organisation
- Data
- Apply for a Local Support Payment
- Report benefit fraud
- Contact us about Housing Benefit and Council Tax Support
- Apply for Discretionary Housing Payment
- Guide to Housing Benefit and Council Tax Support
- Housing Benefit and Council Tax Support
- Log in to your Housing Benefit account
- Repay overpaid Housing Benefits
- Calculate your Housing Benefit amount
- Universal Credit
- Apply for Housing Benefit or Council Tax Support
- Benefits service privacy notice
Birth and death certificates, marriages and citizenship
- Order a copy of a certificate
- How to amend a birth, death or marriage certificate
- Register a birth
- Register a death
- Register a stillbirth
- On the day of your ceremony
- Reusable nappies
- A Day to Remember
- Planning your wedding ceremony
- Introduction of the Marriage Schedule System
- Converting your civil partnership to a marriage
- Giving notice to marry or form a civil partnership
- Get help applying for British citizenship
- Arrange your citizenship ceremony
- Contact Westminster Register Office
- Renewing your vows
- Opposite sex civil partnerships
- Ceremony, appointment or certificate cancellation or refund
- Order a ceremonies brochure
- View our online ceremonies brochure
- Pre-order wedding confetti
- Urgent notice appointment request
- Ceremony booking terms and conditions
- Public health funerals
- Order a first toast
- Business support and guidance
- The Supplier Readiness Programme
- Business rates
- Business Information Points
- Invoice payments
- Parking
- Licensing
- Planning
- Commercial Waste Services
- Film or hold an event in Westminster
- Food safety for businesses
- Trading Standards
- Major Incidents and Contingency Planning
- Preparing your business for emergencies
- Report it
- City inspectors
- Health and safety at work
- Support schemes for businesses
- Subsidised Employment Fund
Children and families
- Family Information Service
- City Lions
- Safeguarding children
- Education
- Early Help
- Westminster Family Hubs
- School holiday events, activities and support
- Children's social care
- Parenting groups and courses
- How our children's service uses information
- Change4Life Westminster
- Support for private foster carers
- Free school meals
- Young carers
Council Tax
- Log in to your Council Tax account
- Register for Council Tax
- How to pay your Council Tax
- Council Tax bands and charges
- Council Tax discounts and exemptions
- Council Tax if you're moving home
- Housing Benefit and Council Tax Support
- Council Tax Support Fund
- Who pays Council Tax?
- More information about Council Tax
- Scams and bogus communications
- Sending us documents
- Contact the Council Tax team
Data protection
- Personal data
- Fair processing notice
- Processing special category data
- Privacy
- Libraries information sharing agreement
- Homelessness privacy notice
- Adult Social Care privacy notice
- Register privacy notice
- Children's services privacy notices
- Parking privacy notice
- Councillors privacy notice
- Housing Management privacy notice
- Housing services for vulnerable people privacy notice
- Electoral services privacy notice
- Westminster Employment Service privacy notice
- Planning privacy notice
- Job applicant privacy notice
- Westminster Prevent privacy notice
- Licensing privacy notice
- Housing application privacy notice
- Public realm (cycle parking) privacy notice
- Public Health privacy notice
- North Kensington Health and Wellbeing Survey privacy notice
- Ebury Bridge Estate Compulsory Purchase Order (CPO)
- Elective home education privacy notice
- Privacy notice for Homes for Ukraine Sponsorship Scheme
- Changing Futures privacy notice
- Church Street Site A Compulsory Purchase Order (CPO)
- Report it image disclaimer
- Benefits service privacy notice
- Child licensing and employment privacy notice
- Children missing education privacy notice
Health and social care
- People First
- Improving and protecting your health
- Stay with us: preventing suicide together
- Public health strategy, policies and reports
- Safeguarding adults
- The Safeguarding Adults Executive Board
- Safeguarding children
- Fair Cost of Care and Market Sustainability
- Dementia support in Westminster
- Adult social care
- Local Area Coordinators
- Wellbeing Hub
Leisure, libraries and the community
- Libraries
- Library opening times and contact details
- Westminster Archives
- ActiveWestminster
- Volunteering
- Arts and culture
- Grant funding opportunities
- Crime and community safety
- Parks and open spaces
- Cemeteries and bereavement
- Building accessibility
- Accessible and inclusive spaces
- Welcoming and celebrating neurodiversity in our libraries
- Dogs and animal welfare
- Community halls
- Green Flag Awards
- Rough sleeping support
- Walking and cycling
- Armed Forces Covenant
- Armed forces
- The Hidden Network
- Charities and community grants
- Public toilets
- Right to bid for assets of community value
- Water fountains
- Seymour Centre Project
- Seymour Centre Project FAQs
- Leisure centres in Westminster
- Community Events Fund
- Tree pit gardening advice
- Voluntary and Community Sector Investment Strategy
- Summer Reading Challenge
- Community hubs
- Community Participation Charter
- Community Awards 2025
- Westminster Notes
- View licence applications and temporary event notices
- Licensing pre-application advice service
- Alcohol, entertainment and late night refreshment licences
- Other licence and business permit types
- City promotions, events and filming
- Apply for a pavement licence
- Search licensing applications
- Pay fees and invoices
- Markets and street trading
- Licensing sub-committees: agendas, reports and decisions
- Licensing policy and strategy
- Information on protest and demonstrations
- Check tables and chairs licences
- Sex establishments
- Sexual entertainment venues
- Sex shops
- Contact the Licensing Team
- Licensing news
- Contact the Health and Safety team
- Licensing privacy notice
- Apply for a busking and street entertainment licence
- Advice on holding a successful VE80 Day street party
- Pay a parking ticket
- Challenge a Penalty Charge Notice (PCN)
- Changes to how we charge for parking
- Parking for residents
- Visitor parking information
- Disabled parking
- Parking tickets and enforcements
- Trade parking for businesses
- Electric vehicles
- Join the Westminster car club scheme
- Find a parking space
- Parking zones and prices
- Parking fees and charges
- Resident parking in neighbouring boroughs
- Illegally parked vehicles
- Reporting parking permit or disabled badge fraud in the City of Westminster
- Motorcycles
- Coach parking
- Challenge your parking ticket
- Penalty charge notice FAQs
- Bank holiday parking controls
- Parking policy, strategy and initiatives
- Dealing with parking debt
- Has your vehicle been removed?
- ParkRight app
- Parking bay sensors
- Parking receipts
- Parking privacy notice
- Contact parking services
- Parking enquiry and feedback form
- Suspensions, dispensations and skips
- Parking prices
Projects in North Paddington
- North Paddington Creative Enterprise Zone
- North Paddington High Streets Programme
- Maida Hill market
- Queen’s Park canalside improvement works
- Westbourne Green canalside improvement works
- Harrow Road Shopfront Improvements
- Trim Talk
- Digital Dash
- 300 Harrow Road
- North Paddington Canalside Programme
- Maida Hill Market improvement works